28,044 research outputs found

    Universal Boundary Entropies in Conformal Field Theory: A Quantum Monte Carlo Study

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    Recently, entropy corrections on nonorientable manifolds such as the Klein bottle are proposed as a universal characterization of critical systems with an emergent conformal field theory (CFT). We show that entropy correction on the Klein bottle can be interpreted as a boundary effect via transforming the Klein bottle into an orientable manifold with nonlocal boundary interactions. The interpretation reveals the conceptual connection of the Klein bottle entropy with the celebrated Affleck-Ludwig entropy in boundary CFT. We propose a generic scheme to extract these universal boundary entropies from quantum Monte Carlo calculation of partition function ratios in lattice models. Our numerical results on the Affleck-Ludwig entropy and Klein bottle entropy for the qq-state quantum Potts chains with q=2,3q=2,3 show excellent agreement with the CFT predictions. For the quantum Potts chain with q=4q=4, the Klein bottle entropy slightly deviates from the CFT prediction, which is possibly due to marginally irrelevant terms in the low-energy effective theory.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figures. Published versio

    Hyper-accreting black hole as GRB central engine. I: Baryon loading in GRB jets

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    A hyper-accreting stellar-mass black hole has been long speculated as the best candidate of central engine of gamma-ray bursts (GRBs). Recent rich observations of GRBs by space missions such as Swift and Fermi pose new constraints on GRB central engine models. In this paper, we study the baryon loading processes of a GRB jet launched from a black hole central engine. We consider a relativistic jet powered by ννˉ\nu \bar\nu-annihilation or by the Blandford-Znajek (BZ) mechanism. We consider baryon loading from a neutrino-driven wind from a neutrino-cooling-dominated accretion flow. For a magnetically dominated BZ jet, we consider neutron-drifting from the magnetic wall surrounding the jet and subsequent positron capture and proton-neutron inelastic collisions. The minumim baryon loads in both types of jet are calculated. We find that in both cases, a more luminous jet tends to be more baryon poor. A neutrino-driven "fireball" is typically "dirtier" than a magnetically dominated jet, while a magnetically dominated jet can be much cleaner. Both models have the right scaling to interpret the empirical Γ−Liso\Gamma-L_{\rm iso} relation discovered recently. Since some neutrino-driven jets have too much baryon loading as compared with the data, we suggest that at least a good fraction of GRBs should have a magnetically dominated central engine.Comment: 9 pages, 2 figures; Accepted for publication in Ap
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